The authors are required to submit their manuscript along with a title page as indicated below:
1. Your manuscript should consist of:
(i) | A Title |
(ii) | An Abstract (between 150-200 words) |
(iii) | Keywords (4-5 keywords separated by commas) |
(iv) | Main text (between 7,500 and 10,000 words in length including footnotes) |
(v) | References |
Your manuscript should be anonymised for double-blind peer review.
2. You should also submit a separate title page including:
(i) | The Title |
(ii) | The full names of the author/s (If the paper is co-authored, one author must be clearly designated as the ‘corresponding author’ responsible for all communications with the journal.) |
(iii) | The author’s institutional affiliations |
(iv) | Acknowledgements |
Manuscripts should be submitted as Word documents.
All manuscripts must be written in clear and concise English. Spelling should be in British English.
Authors must ensure that their submitted articles are original, have not been published previously, and are not under consideration by any other publisher simultaneously. The authors must also ensure that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any. These should be explicitly confirmed in the cover email accompanying the submission.
Authors are responsible for adhering to research ethics and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest associated with their manuscript.
Any form of AI-generated content or unauthorized duplication of existing work will be strictly monitored.
Word Count: | Main text- between 7,500- and 10,000-words including footnotes. | |
Abstract- between 150-200 words. | ||
Font and Size: | Main text -12-point Times New Roman. | |
Abstract -10-point Times New Roman, not italicized, and indented both left and right by 0.5 cm. | ||
Footnotes- 10-point Times New Roman. | ||
Spacing: | Set your document to 1.5 spacing. | |
Title: | The title of the article should be centered, in bold, and have title capitals. | |
Headings: | ||
– Main Headings
Numbering: Use Roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.).
Alignment: Left-aligned with no additional indentation. Formatting: Bold text, 14-point Times New Roman. Example: I. Introduction |
– Second-Level Headings
Numbering: Use capital letters (A, B, C, etc.) following the Roman numeral of the parent heading.
Alignment: Left-aligned with no indentation. Formatting: Bold text, 12-point Times New Roman. Example: I.A. Legal Principles Relating to Corporate Social Responsibility |
– Third-Level Headings
Numbering: Use Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) following the Roman numeral and capital letter of the parent heading.
Alignment: Left-aligned with no indentation. Formatting: Bold text, 12-point Times New Roman. Example: I.A.1. Sustainable Packaging Strategies |
– Fourth-Level Headings
Numbering: Use lowercase letters (a, b, c, etc.) following the Roman numeral, capital letter, and Arabic numeral of the parent heading.
Alignment: Left-aligned with no indentation. Formatting: Bold text, 12-point Times New Roman. Example: I.A.1.a. Transition to Eco-Friendly Utensils
Citation and Referencing Style: | ||
Please use OSCOLA 4th edition ( subject to the following additional guidelines:
– When cross-referencing, use ‘ibid’ (with both ‘i’s in lowercase) for immediate cross references. For non-immediate cross-references, please mention the full citation every time a source is cited rather than using the short forms including ‘n’ followed by the footnote. (Ex: Ashworth, Principles of Criminal Law (n 28) 73). – Avoid the use of ‘Latin gadgets’ such as supra, infra, ante, id, op cit, loc cit, and contra etc. – When mentioning the names of co-authors, spell out the word ‘and’ rather than using the ampersand symbol (&) to separate their names. – When citing journals, always use the full name of the journal and not the abbreviations. – When referring to a statutory provision, always use the full term ‘section’ (with s in lower case) instead of the abbreviation ‘s.’ – Please mention the name of the author as it appears in the original text. If the original text does not use the initials before the surname, do not use initials when referencing. – Use the lowercase ‘s’ for the term state. – Check the accuracy of all references before submission. Authors are expected to check the accuracy of all references in the manuscripts before submission. Pagination: Pages should be numbered sequentially, including appendices, if any.