Volume 28 – ISSN 1391 – 5568 (2020)



Economic Sanctions Under International Law: An Overview
Md. Toriqul Islam (>>Abstract)

The Concepts of Exhaustion and Parallel Importation in the Context of Trademark Rights: International and Sri Lankan Perspectives
Wathsala Ravihari Samaranayake (>>Abstract)

A Penchant for Protection: Climate Change Refugees Under the 1951 Refugee Convention
Amra Ismail (>>Abstract)

Environmental Governance in Worlds Apart: A Critical Analysis on the Role of UNEP and GEF in Global Environmental Governance
Kokila Konasinghe (>>Abstract)


Constitutionally Recognised ‘Other’:The Fundamental Rights of LGBTI People In Sri Lanka
Visakesa Chandrasekaram (>>Abstract)

Legal Framework for Air Pollution Control in Nigeria: Lessons from India and Australia
Joseph Nwaz & Agbowu Ejike Christopher (>>Abstract)

Apprenticeship Contract in Nigeria and Selected Jurisdictions: The Need to Conform Nigeria’s Law to International Standard
David Tarh-Akong Eyongndi & John Ifeanyi Ebokpo (>>Abstract)

SGBV and Exclusion of Women from Governance: Sri Lankan Law’s Responses
Rose Wijeyesekera (>>Abstract)