

Authors are invited to send their papers for possible publication in the SRI LANKA JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.

The Editorial Board will make an initial screening of all articles received. Selected articles will be reviewed by a subject expert on the basis of anonymity. The Editors reserve the right to send articles for external review at their discretion. The final decision is made by the Editorial Board who reserve the right to refuse a submitted text, or if they accept it, to add certain corrections or shorten it. Any changes affecting the substance of a text will, of course, only be made in agreement with the author.


  1. All articles should be original work of the author and not published elsewhere.
  2. The average length of articles should be between 7,500 and 10,000 words in length (including footnotes).
  3. Biographical details should be starred (*) and precede the footnotes. They should include the author’s academic qualifications and current employment.
  4. The font size should be 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced.
  5. An abstract of between 150-200 words should also be included with the submitted article.
  6. Authors are expected to check the accuracy of all references in the manuscripts before submission.
  7. Pages should be numbered sequentially, including appendices, if any.
  8. The journal has adopted the Oxford Citation (OSCOLA) and follows the style guide of the International&Comparative Law Quarterly.  See:
  9. Send your article as an Microsoft Word attachment by email to: with a copy also to
  10. Kindly include full contact information (postal address and phone number) in your email submission.
If the submitted article is accepted by the Editorial Board and the reviewers, it will be published in the Journal and will also be made available online.